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Ben Fund presents new funeral drapes to honour fallen colleagues

The Birmingham Branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) held their annual Memorial Service on Saturday 26 October at St Mary’s Church in Selly Oak, Birmingham.

The service was attended by 120 family and friends of those who have died in the past year.

West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund paid for two new funeral drapes to be used by both the Force and NARPO for their ceremonial duties.

Benevolent Fund Chairman, John Williams and Simon Westwood, one of our charity’s Trustees, attended the event to present the drapes.

“It was an absolute privilege to donate the money to pay for the new drapes,” commented John.

“Ceremonial police funerals are such an important part of showing our sincere gratitude to the dedicated service of those we have sadly lost,” explained John.

Our Chairman went on to thank the Branch members of NARPO for their kind donation of £250 to the Benevolent Fund.

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Company Number: 03179216

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