Police scale model event supports Ben Fund
West Midlands Police Scale Model Club welcomed modelling enthusiasts from across the region on Sunday 17 September, for its annual ‘Blue Lamp Model Expo’.
West Midlands Police Learning and Development Centre, Tally Ho! was transformed into a haven for model lovers, with row upon row of impressive displays.
All monies raised from entry admissions are being donated to West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund and the Models for Heroes charity.
Event organiser and WMP Model Club Chairman, Paul Brant explained, “The model club is made up of serving and retired officers as well as police staff who share a keen interest in the hobby of scale modelling.
“Our model meetings are held the first Thursday of every month and provide an opportunity for members to get together and share their passion for the hobby. It’s also a great way to switch off from the daily stresses of policing and immerse ourselves in model making.
“We were keen to show our appreciation of the Benevolent Fund again this year. I’m aware what a great role the Ben Fund plays in supporting police colleagues through difficult times.”
Fund Chairman, John Williams and General Manager, Steve Newbury have been invited to the model clubs next meeting to receive a donation from Sunday’s event.
John expressed his thanks by adding, “We are delighted Paul and the West Midlands Police Force Model Club decided to support our police charity in this way. We are very grateful for the kind donation. Every penny the fund receives goes towards assisting members who need our help.”
Keen modeller, Denis Jones from IPMS Coventry and Warwickshire Model Club presented the Benevolent Fund with a box of beautifully crafted key rings.
By utilising his military skills, Denis has skillfully woven the Paracord into three styles of key ring known as Cobra, Circle stitch and Box stitch. These survival key chains have been personalised using the Police Thin Blue Line colours.
Originally, these robust survival key chains would have come in useful if you were ever caught stranded in the wilderness. The compact cord can withstand 550 lbs of weight!
But, Denis explains they can be used for so many different things and are a great tool to have on your person.
“The unique key rings will accompany the Benevolent Fund at future events,” explained John Williams.
“There will be no cost if people wish to take one, however if anyone wishes to give a small donation to our charity, we will be most grateful.
“Thank you Denis for gifting these versatile key rings. We have given some of chains to the dog handlers at West Midlands Police Dog Unit and they have been very well received.”