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Our Charity’s AGM 2023

A big thank you to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting last Friday 28 April.

Fund Chairman, John Williams opened this year’s event by welcoming our new Patron, the Chief Constable Craig Guildford QPM VR DL and fellow members to Guardians House. 

As well as signing off last year’s accounts and sharing news of our charity’s performance, John invited the Chief to give a brief update on the Force.

This year we have welcomed two new members to the Benevolent Funds Operations Committee, Rob Pedley (who we officially thanked at last year’s AGM, for his service to our charity) and Neil Kyte-Jones, from the LGBTQ+ Association.

We look forward to working with them both.

With rising inflation and the soaring cost of living, we have been working hard to ensure our charity offers ongoing, relevant support to its members.

  • We now offer serving members mental health support with up to eight online counselling sessions, delivered by a team of professional psychotherapists from St Michael’s Lodge
  • We have frozen our membership subscription fees for the 12th consecutive year and yet still increased our benefits
  • We continue to offer members quality and affordable holidays they can enjoy with their families.
  • We are working closely with awarded winning, PayPlan, offering advice and support to members who are struggling with debt.
  • We are hosting the ever-popular family events at Blackwell Court and Aztec Adventure.

Here is a brief summary of how the Fund has supported its members over the last 12 months:

  • £29,402 in the form of grants to help serving and retired members through difficult times.
  • £20,289 was donated to the widows and orphans of deceased officers
  • £16,650 has enabled members to receive convalescence and rehabilitation breaks at St Michael’s Lodge
  • £6450 has been given in shopping vouchers to support members currently off sick through injury or ill health.
  • And sadly, £10,500 in death in service grants.

“It’s been another incredible year for the West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund Charity and that, of course, would not be possible without the ongoing support of our members,” explained John Williams.

“Next year both West Midlands Police and the Benevolent Fund will be celebrating our 50th anniversary.

“I am sure you will agree this is a very special milestone that marks the tremendous journey our police charity has taken over five decades.

“To mark this special occasion, we have designed a new commemorative logo that will replace our existing one and we will be sharing our anniversary plans with members over the coming months,” added John.

“On behalf of the Ben Fund Team, Trustees and Operations Committee we would like to say a massive thank you for your ongoing support.”

Not a member of the Fund? Both serving officers and police staff are welcome to join. Monthly subscriptions to the fund are just £2.00 and taken straight from your salary. You can join online here:




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