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Benevolent Fund chosen charity at this year’s Diamonds Awards

It felt great to finally be amongst friends and colleagues at last night’s West Midlands Police Diamonds Awards 2020-2021. Months of planning culminated in an evening that celebrated the exceptional work of serving officers, police staff and inspirational community volunteers.

West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund was nominated by the Force as this year’s chosen charity. Chairman, John Williams was presented with a cheque for £2,500 by the Chief Constable Sir Dave Thompson.

Joining John on the top table with the Chief Constable were Trustees Gill Baker OBE and Rich Youds, as well as the Benevolent Fund’s General Manager Steve Newbury.

“It was an honour to attend last night’s awards ceremony”, explained John.

”The Benevolent Fund has been helping serving and retired officers, police staff and their families through difficult times for over 45 years and it was really touching to be nominated by the Force as their chosen charity at this year’s event.”

Whilst up on stage, John took the opportunity to present the Chief Constable with the Fund’s new commemorative bronze pin badge in recognition of his patronage of our charity.

“The Chief was genuinely touched by the presentation”, added John. “He is incredibly supportive of our work and is looking forward to working much more closely with our police charity in the months ahead.”

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Charity Number: 1186628

Company Number: 03179216

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