Get the latest Rewards Scheme offers – sign up to our Members Monthly Update
Keep updated with the latest offers from our exclusive Rewards Scheme by signing up to our Monthly Update. By registering your interest you’ll receive an email (each month) with details about the fantastic deals and discounts we’re offering. With hundreds of great offers available, you’ll get the latest deals on a wide range of products and services exclusive to Ben Fund members.
To subscribe simply log in to the Exclusive Rewards page. Enter your password and then in the top left of the Your Rewards homepage you will see a link that asks you to subscribe to our newsletter.
Can’t remember you’re log in details? Don’t worry you can email our office and we will remind you.
“Since we launched the scheme earlier this year over 1,000 members have enjoyed discounts on a wide range of products and services including ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons, Thorntons, Halfords, Warner Holidays, Hoseasons, Away Resorts, Cottage Stay UK, Haven Holidays, Just Eat, M&S, Motorsource Leasing, Hotpoint, BuyaGift and more”, explains Fund Chairman, John Williams.
John added, “The scheme is proving very popular and we’re pleased to see that the discounts are being regularly enjoyed by our members. It’s definitely providing fantastic value for our £2.00 a month membership fee. ”
With the Government confirming we can now meet indoors, why not book a getaway or take advantage of the dining in offers available through Your Rewards.