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Help us raise urgent funds for Macy’s treatment

Officers’ daughter a step closer to life changing treatment – thanks to Benevolent Fund

Serving officers Kerry and Toby Handley are in touching distance of reaching their £90,000 fundraising target to pay for their daughter’s treatment, thanks to a recent donation of £5,000 from West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund.

Macy is just 12 years old and lives with the complex syndrome ASD/Asperger’s. Back in 2019 her parents noticed a lump on Macy’s back near her spine. An x-ray uncovered abnormal curves in her spine and Macy was given a brace which she needed to wear for 20 hours per day. The brace was uncomfortable, restrictive and rubbed on her neck, in between her legs and under her arm which triggered her severe sensory issues and had a massive impact on her mental health.

Despite her discomfort Macy persevered with the brace, hoping it would prevent her from needing an operation. However, last month the family received the devasting news that Macy’s spine had changed significantly and that spinal fusion surgery was her only hope. This would involve fixing metal rods to the length of Macy’s spine, restricting her movement and leaving her with a huge scar from the back of her neck down to the bottom of her back.

It seemed a drastic step and appeared their only option to stop the spine from curving further, preventing the spine from damaging her internal organs and her spinal cord.

Then, Kerry and Toby heard about a new breakthrough treatment, Vertebral Body Thethering (VBT). This internal brace treatment is not available through the NHS and offers minimal scarring and a much quicker recovery time than fusion surgery. Macy would be back to school after just 6 weeks and her range of movement will be near normal.

“VBT treatment has a specific selection criteria, which at the moment Macy fits”, explains Mum, Kerry.

“Unfortunately, if Macy’s curvature of the spine were to increase further this would result in VBT no longer being an option for her. Therefore, time is very much of the essence.

“We’re racing against the clock to find the funds to pay for her treatment before it’s too late. Then today we received a call from John at the Benevolent Fund to say they have just pledged £5,000 to support Macy on her Just Giving page.

“We were so surprised and also extremely grateful to the Benevolent Fund for showing their support. We are literally in touching distance of reaching our fundraising target now thanks to the Fund’s generous donation.”

Benevolent Fund Chairman, John Williams, said “Our Trustees and Operations Committee were unanimous in showing their support. If we can help the Handley family to reach their target and get Macy the treatment she so desperately needs and deserves then we are playing our part in supporting two of our members, Kerry and Toby.”

“Hopefully Macy will soon receive her vital treatment, giving her and her family a much better quality of life. And that’s exactly what the Benevolent Fund is there for”, added John.

The family have set up a Just Giving page and have already raised nearly £76,000 of the £90,000 needed.

Please help them to reach their target by showing your support. You can pledge your support here:


Thank you.



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