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Calling all new recruits!

Congratulations to all the new West Midlands Police recruits who attended their attestation event yesterday (Thursday 7 January 2021).
On behalf of the Benevolent Fund we would like to wish you success and happiness as you embark on your exciting new career in policing.
Don’t forget we’re here for you during your service if ever you need us.
If you haven’t already signed up to join the Benevolent Fund you can still do so online via our website
It’s free to student officers for the first 6 months then only £2.00 per month that is deducted straight from your salary.
With lots of benefits as well as the peace of mind that we are here to help if you need us in the future, it’s certainly a very good idea to join.
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Charity Number: 1186628

Company Number: 03179216

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