Ben Fund voucher scheme now redeemable in over 150 brands
Did you know that as a member of the West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund you can apply for sickness vouchers if you’re off sick and unable to work for more than 21 days consecutively?
You can claim the £30 vouchers yourself or on someone else’s behalf (if you are their supervisor or a Federation Rep). A member off for more than four months can claim a second voucher, but can’t claim more than two (£60) in any one year.
NARPO Reps can also claim vouchers on behalf of retired members who are seriously ill.
It’s always good to hear from members who appreciate the vouchers they receive.
“Thanks very much for dropping my voucher off on Friday. I was not expecting that. Thanks once again. It is nice to know that after many years of retirement, one is not forgotten by the police family.” Retired WMP officer.
We’ve recently teamed up with Vex gift e-vouchers to improve the choice for members. The vouchers are now redeemable in over 150 brands and 25,000 UK stores and act as a little well-being lift for those currently recovering from injury or illness.
To claim your voucher, simply complete the application form for yourself or on someone’s behalf and we will then email you a unique link to the Vex voucher site
If you’re not currently a member of West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund you can join online
Why join?
You can become a member of the Ben Fund if you pay £2 per month from your salary.
Here are six reasons why you should join:
- You will have life cover of £3500 for just £2 per month
- All deceased members’ children receive £25 per week until their 18th birthday
- If you’re off sick for more than 21 days, you will receive £30 in shopping vouchers
- Access to interest-free loans or charitable grants in times of hardship or distress
- Convalescence and rehabilitation breaks to help with your recovery
- Discounted seaside breaks at our two holiday properties