Recycle Your Ink Cartridges and Help Support West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund
Did you know that you can help us raise funds simply by recycling your ink cartridges via our Recycle4Charity programme?
For each inkjet cartridge recycled via the programme we will receive a £1 donation, meaning you can help the environment whilst raising money for charity!
A staggering 45 million printer cartridges end up at landfill every year here in the UK, taking an estimated 1,000 years to decompose.
So by recycling your inkjet cartridges not only are you being a little kinder to the environment but you’re also giving the Benevolent Fund a little cash boost in order to help even more serving and retired officers, police staff and their families through difficult times.
To start, all you need to do is go to the address shown below and sign up for your free account.
Register now at –