“Bottling things up inside, doesn’t make it go away! How WMP Benevolent Fund helped me”
Sometimes our pride or our desire not to show signs of weakness means we don’t ask for help.
Thankfully one member finally turned to us for help and we were glad to offer our support.
“I just wanted to say, that when I came to you, I was in a complete mess; financially, psychologically and physically. It was a very low point in both my career and my personal life.
I approached the Benevolent Fund as a last resort, I’ve always thought the way to deal with life’s problems was to bottle stuff up and hopefully it would go away. But finally I realised it wouldn’t go away and I needed to ask for help.
I was struggling financially and was receiving food parcels in order to put food on the table for my family. The bills, however, still kept coming in. I was on top of the bills, but there was no money left to live on and my health was suffering as a result.
I just needed a little help to get back on my feet.
The Benevolent Fund offered me a grant of £500 straight away. They were very understanding and offered tremendous support. This helped me out no end. They also pointed me towards outside agencies, that I was not aware of, who could offer further support.
I would urge colleagues who are experiencing similar difficulties to call the Ben Fund and ask for help. Don’t keep it all bottled up inside! ”
Serving officer