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Life of retired officer celebrated with cakes

The delicious smell of freshly home baked cakes was just too irresistible for the staff at the Home Office Solihull last month.

Colleagues from the Presenting Officers Unit hosted a cake sale in memory of one of their work colleague Denis Box, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

Asma Mulla and Farah Noreen arranged a cake sale in Chadwick House to remember Denis, who died unexpectedly in January of this year. Denis had been a presenting officer for 12 years and before that, a West Midlands police officer for 30 years. Staff baked cakes and treats for the event and colleagues from the National Removals Centre, who share the building, were invited.

Asma, who worked with Denis, said “The news of Denis’ death was a big shock to us all. He was well known and liked by colleagues here in Solihull but also in other Home Office buildings nationally including the courts.

“We wanted to do something to bring people together and a cake sale, to raise money for one of Denis’ favourite charities, WMP Benevolent Fund, seemed the perfect event. It was our way of celebrating him as well as saying goodbye. The event was a great success”

We are really grateful to Asma and Farah and the rest of the staff at Home Office, Solihull for all their fund raising efforts and their kind donation of £100 to WMP Benevolent Fund.

Staff at Home Office,Solihull remember colleague over cakes

WMP Benevolent Fund chairman John Williams accepted the cheque presented by Asma (left) and Farah (right).

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